
Extended Euclidean Algorithm

Author: Benjamin Qi


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Euclidean Algorithm


The original Euclidean Algorithm computes gcd(a,b)\gcd(a,b) and looks like this:

ll euclid(ll a, ll b) {
while (b > 0) {
ll k = a / b;
a -= k * b;
swap(a, b);
return a;

Extended Euclidean Algorithm

The extended Euclidean algorithm computes integers xx and yy such that


We can slightly modify the version of the Euclidean algorithm given above to return more information!

array<ll, 3> extend_euclid(ll a, ll b) {
// we know that (1 * a) + (0 * b) = a and (0 * a) + (1 * b) = b
array<ll, 3> x = {1, 0, a};
array<ll, 3> y = {0, 1, b};
// run extended Euclidean algo
while (y[2] > 0) {
// keep subtracting multiple of one equation from the other
ll k = x[2] / y[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { x[i] -= k * y[i]; }
swap(x, y);
return x; // x[0] * a + x[1] * b = x[2], x[2] = gcd(a, b)

Recursive Version

ll euclid(ll a, ll b) {
if (b == 0) { return a; }
return euclid(b, a % b);


pl extend_euclid(ll a, ll b) { // returns {x,y}
if (b == 0) { return {1, 0}; }
pl p = extend_euclid(b, a % b);
return {p.s, p.f - a / b * p.s};

The pair will equal to the first two returned elements of the array in the iterative version. Looking at this version, we can prove by induction that when aa and bb are distinct positive integers, the returned pair (x,y)(x,y) will satisfy xb2gcd(a,b)|x|\le \frac{b}{2\gcd(a,b)} and ya2gcd(a,b)|y|\le \frac{a}{2\gcd(a,b)}. Furthermore, there can only exist one pair that satisfies these conditions!

Note that this works when a,ba,b are quite large (say, 260\approx 2^{60}) and we won't wind up with overflow issues.

Application - Modular Inverse

StatusSourceProblem NameDifficultyTags

It seems that when multiplication / division is involved in this problem, n2<LLONG_MAXn^2 < \texttt{LLONG\_MAX}.

ll inv_general(ll a, ll b) {
array<ll, 3> x = extend_euclid(a, b);
assert(x[2] == 1); // gcd must be 1
return x[0] + (x[0] < 0) * b;

Application - Chinese Remainder Theorem

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